Beyoncé, her husband Jay Z, Rihanna, Kanye West, and Pharrell Williams
have all filed a lawsuit against the French clothing company Eleven
Paris, alleging that the trendy retailer unlawfully sold merchandise
with their likeness or intellectual property.
The lawsuit, which was filed in New York on Tuesday, cites 58 alleged violations including a T-shirt that says Kanye is My Homie, a backpack that says RiRi and includes her birth year, and a shirt including Beyoncé's song lyrics: 'A diva is a female version of a hustler.'
The suit claims that the plaintiffs have even sent the brand written warnings, but they were still selling 'dozens of infringing merchandise' at their New York City store as of the day of filing.
One of the brand's most popular designs features pictures of celebrities
- including Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kanye, and Pharrell - digitally altered
to include fingers with mustaches drawn on them held in front of their
The stars allege that these products do damage to their brands, and
requests that Eleven Paris stop selling the offending products and pay
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